
You can also find my publications on my Google Scholar.

H. Hardiman-Mostow, C. Marshak, A.L. Handwerger. Deep Self-Supervised Disturbance Mapping with the OPERA Sentinel-1 Radiometric Terrain Corrected SAR Backscatter Product. Submitted to IEEE JSTARS. Arxiv.

J. Brown, B. Chen, H. Hardiman-Mostow, J. Calder, A.L. Bertozzi. GLL: A Differentiable Graph Learning Layer for Neural Networks. Submitted to JMLR. Arxiv.

J. Brown, B. Chen, H. Hardiman-Mostow, A. Weihs, A.L. Bertozzi and J. Chanussot. Material identification in complex environments: neural network approaches to hyperspectral image analysis. IEEE WHISPERS , 2023.

J. Enwright, H. Hardiman-Mostow, J. Calder, A.L. Bertozzi. Deep semi-supervised label propagation for SAR image classification. SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, 2023.